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Information is also accessible through the patient and families tab. Family friendly summaries are created and reviewed by our advocacy partners. The information is updated to the best of our knowledge but might not reflect the latest information. Note that most studies are only available at a limited number of sites, please click on ‘further information’ for details. Studies, particularly early phase trials, may also temporarily close to enrolment or not have slots available for all treatment groups. In all cases, study teams at individual C17 centres will have the most up-to-date information.
1 results found
ACNS1422 - A Phase 2 Study of Reduced Therapy for Newly Diagnosed Average-Risk WNT-Driven Medulloblastoma Patients
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Dr. Daniel Morgenstern
Karen Fung
New Agent and Innovative Therapies (NAIT)
This phase 2 trial studies how well reduced doses of radiation therapy to the brain and spine (craniospinal) and chemotherapy work in treating patients with newly diagnosed type of brain tumor called WNT-driven medulloblastoma.
(via: https://childrensoncologygroup.org/acns1422)