Canadian clinical trial registry

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1 results found



PEPN2121 - A Phase 1/2 Study of Tiragolumab (NSC# 827799) and Atezolizumab (NSC# 783608) in Patients With Relapsed or Refractory SMARCB1 or SMARCA4 Deficient Tumors


PEPN2121 - A Phase 1/2 Study of Tiragolumab (NSC# 827799) and Atezolizumab (NSC# 783608) in Patients With Relapsed or Refractory SMARCB1 or SMARCA4 Deficient Tumors

Go to Health Care Provider version

DiagnosisRecurrent/Refractory Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor, Kidney Medullary Carcinoma, Malignant Solid Neoplasm, Poorly Differentiated ChordomaStudy StatusOpen
Age12 months of age or older RandomisationNO
Line of treatmentDisease relapse or progression
Routes of Treatment AdministrationAtezolizumab and tiragolumab are given intravenously (IV) as infusions
Last Posted Update2025-03-19 #NCT05286801
International Sponsor
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Principal Investigators for Canadian Sites
CHU Ste Justine - Dr. Monia Marzouki
The Hospital for Sick Children - Dr. Daniel Morgenstern
Medical contact
Dr. Henrique Bittencourt
Dr. Monia Marzouki
Dr. Sebastien Perreault (neuro-onc)
Social worker/patient navigator contact
Marie-Claude Charrette
Clinical research contact
Marie Saint-Jacques
Medical contact

Dr. Daniel Morgenstern

Social worker/patient navigator contact

Karen Fung

Clinical research contact

New Agent and Innovative Therapies (NAIT)




Study Description


This is a phase I/II trial that studies how well the treatments tiragolumab and atezolizumab work when given to children with tumours that have either come back (relapsed) or did not respond to therapy (refractory). These tumours must have a certain mutation, meaning the cancer cells are missing important genes called SMARCB1 and SMARCA4. Tiragolumab and atezolizumab may help the body's immune system attack the cancer, and may interfere with the ability of tumor cells to grow and spread.

Inclusion Criteria

Part A is now completed, Part B criteria now applies: 

  • Participants must be between 1-18 years old for part A of this study. There is no upper age limit for part B
  • Participants must have one of the following cancers, that has either come back (relapsed) or did not respond to previous treatment (refractory):
    • Renal medullary carcinoma
    • Malignant rhabdoid tumor (extra-CNS)
    • Atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor (CNS)
    • Poorly differentiated chordoma
    • Epithelioid sarcoma
  • Cancer must have the eligible mutation (SMARCB1 or SMARCA4)
  • Participants must be up and about for at least half their waking hours
  • Participants must meet all bloodwork criteria outlined for this study

Other inclusion and exclusion criteria may apply and will be discussed with you by your clinical team