Canadian clinical trial registry

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96 results found



VICTORY (OZM-138) - VICTORY: A Pilot Study to Investigate Safety and Efficacy of Weekly Combination of Intravenous Vinblastine With Oral Type II RAF Inhibitor Tovorafenib in Pediatric Patients With Recurrent/Progressive RAF Altered Low Grade Gliomas


VICTORY (OZM-138) - VICTORY: A Pilot Study to Investigate Safety and Efficacy of Weekly Combination of Intravenous Vinblastine With Oral Type II RAF Inhibitor Tovorafenib in Pediatric Patients With Recurrent/Progressive RAF Altered Low Grade Gliomas

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DiagnosisLow-grade GliomaStudy StatusOpen
Age0 Weeks to 25 YearsRandomisationNO
Line of treatmentDisease relapse or progression
Routes of Treatment AdministrationDrug: Tovorafenib oral (immediate-release tablets or powder for reconstitution) Drug: Vinblastine IV
Last Posted Update2024-05-10 #NCT06381570
International Sponsor
IIT - The Hospital for Sick Children
Principal Investigators for Canadian Sites
The Hospital for Sick Children - Dr. Uri Tabori
Medical contact

Dr. Daniel Morgenstern

Social worker/patient navigator contact

Karen Fung

Clinical research contact

New Agent and Innovative Therapies (NAIT)




Study Description

This is a Pilot, multicenter, open-label study of patients less than or equal to 25 years, with recurrent or progressive LGG harboring a CRAF or BRAF alteration, including BRAF V600 mutations and KIAA1549: BRAF fusions. Patients with BRAF or CRAF alterations will be identified through molecular assays as routinely performed at Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) of 1988 or other similarly certified laboratories.

The study will be conducted in two sequential phases:

Phase A: A Feasibility (combination dose finding) phase, followed by Phase B: An Efficacy phase. The maximum tolerated dose (MTD)/Recommended Phase 2 Dose (RP2D) of the combination as determined in Phase A would be the dose used in Phase B. The patients on Phase A who were below the MTD/RP2D would be eligible for intra-patient dose escalation to MTD/RP2D subject to criteria outlined later.


Phase A (Feasibility Phase) - Open at SickKids

A feasibility phase will be conducted to establish the maximum tolerated dose (MTD/RP2D) of the combination of vinblastine + tovorafenib using the Rolling 6 design.

Patients will receive vinblastine and tovorafenib on Days 1, 8, 15, 22 of each cycle for a total duration of 17 cycles followed by 7 additional cycles of tovorafenib alone. One cycle of protocol therapy is 28 days.

Treatment cycles will repeat every 28 days for a total of 24 cycles in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity. Patients will undergo radiographic evaluation of their disease at the end of every third cycle, starting with the end of Cycle 3.

The RP2D of tovorafenib of 420 mg/m2 once weekly (not exceeding 600 mg) in combination with vinblastine (4mg/m2) will be used as the starting dose and will be de-escalated/escalated as per Table 4. Dose of tovorafenib will not be escalated further.

Patients will be treated on protocol therapy for a total of 24 cycles, the vinblastine and tovorafenib for a total duration of 17 cycles followed by 7 additional cycles of alone tovorafenib, unless disease progression, unacceptable toxicity occurs, or withdrawal from the study occurs. Missed doses of either vinblastine or tovorafenib will not be made up.

Phase B (Expansion/Efficacy Phase) - Not Yet Open

Once the MTD/RP2D of the combination, vinblastine + tovorafenib has been established, the expansion/efficacy phase will be initiated at the dose determined in Phase A.

Patient will receive vinblastine and tovorafenib weekly on Days 1, 8, 15, 22 of each cycle at dose determined in Phase A for a total duration of 17 cycles followed by 7 additional cycles of tovorafenib alone. One cycle of protocol therapy is 28 days.

Treatment cycles will repeat every 28 days in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity. Patients will undergo radiographic evaluation of their disease at the end of every third cycle, starting with the end of Cycle 3.

Patients will be treated on protocol therapy for a total of 24 cycles, the vinblastine and tovorafenib for a total duration of 17 cycles followed by 7 additional cycles of alone tovorafenib, unless disease progression or unacceptable toxicity occurs, unless disease progression, unacceptable toxicity or withdrawal from study occurs. Missed doses of either vinblastine or tovorafenib will not be made up.

Inclusion Criteria
  • Patients must be less than or equal to 25 years of age at the time of enrollment
  • Progressive/Recurrent LGG (non-NF1) with documented BRAF or CRAF alteration as identified through molecular assays as routinely performed at CLIA or other similar certified laboratories.
  • Diagnosis:
    • All patients must have pathological confirmation of low-grade glioma with BRAF or CRAF alteration.
    • Patient must have progressive or recurrent LGG.
    • Must have at least 1 measurable lesion, as defined by RANO-LGG criteria.
    • Eligible histologies will include all tumors considered low-grade glioma or low-grade astrocytoma (WHO grade I and II) by WHO classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous system -5th edition revised with exception of subependymal giant cell astrocytoma.
  • Prior Therapy:
    • Must have received at least 1 line of systemic therapy prior (at least a vinca alkaloid and/or single agent carboplatin and/or a MEK or BRAF inhibitor) and have documented evidence of radiographic progression.
    • Patients must have fully recovered from the acute toxic effects (≤ Grade I) of all prior anticancer chemotherapy and have undergone the following washout periods, as applicable.
      • i. Myelosuppressive chemotherapy: At least 21 days after the last dose of myelosuppressive chemotherapy (42 days if prior nitrosourea)
      • ii. Radiation therapy (XRT): Radiation therapy to the measurable lesion(s) must be completed at least 6 months prior to administration of combination therapy. Patients who have documented radiographic progression less than 6 months from radiotherapy in 1 or more measurable lesions are eligible. At least 2 weeks after the last dose fraction of XRT to the non-target lesion.
      • iii. Investigational agent or any other anticancer therapy not defined above: At least four weeks prior to planned start of combination therapy, or five half-lives, whichever is shorter.
      • iv. Patients must have recovered from acute effects of any prior surgery. 
      • v. Chronic toxicities from prior anticancer therapy must be stable as per Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) version 5.0 Grade ≤ 2, except ongoing retinopathy which must be ≤ Grade 1.
  • Performance Level: a) Karnofsky (those 16 years and older) or Lansky (those younger than 16 years) performance score of at least 50. Patients who are unable to walk because of paralysis, but who are able to sit in a wheelchair, will be considered ambulatory for the purpose of assessing the performance score.
  • Tumor Tissue Sample Confirmation that an archival tumor tissue sample is available. If an archival tumor tissue sample is not available, a fresh biopsy should be performed at baseline. Submission of tumor tissue and a blood sample are mandatory and must be submitted within 14 days from enrollment onto the study and prior to initiation of treatment. Biopsy may be either at initial diagnosis or recurrence.
  • Organ function: 
    • Adequate bone marrow function defined as:
      • i. Absolute neutrophil count ≥ 1000/mm3
      • ii. Platelet count (unsupported) ≥ 100 x 109/L (transfusions allowed per institutional guidelines; last transfusion > 2 weeks prior to enrollment)
      • iii. Hemoglobin (unsupported)≥ 10.0 g/dL (transfusions allowed per institutional guidelines; last transfusion > 4 weeks prior to enrollment)
      • iv. Hematopoietic growth factors: At least 14 days after the last dose of a long-acting growth factor (e.g., Neulasta®) or 7 days for short-acting growth factor.
    • Adequate hepatic and renal function defined as:
      • i. Total bilirubin ≤ 1.5 x upper limit of normal (ULN) for age (patients with documented Gilbert's disease may be enrolled with sponsor approval and total bilirubin ≤ 2 x ULN)
      • ii. Serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (SGPT)/alanine aminotransferase (ALT) ≤ 2.5 x ULN
      • iii. Serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT)/aspartate transaminase (AST) ≤ 2.5 x ULN
      • iv. Serum creatinine within normal limits or estimated glomerular filtration rate ≥ 60 ml/min/1.73 m2 based on local institutional practice for determination.
    • Thyroid functions tests within institutional normal range. Patients on a stable dose of thyroid replacement therapy for a minimum of 3 weeks before starting therapy are eligible.
    • Adequate cardiac function defined as:
      • i. Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of ≥ 50% as measured by echocardiogram (ECHO) or multiple-gated acquisition (MUGA) scan, or fractional shortening (FS) ≥ 25% (Tissot et al., 2018) as measured by ECHO, within 14 days before enrollment (while not receiving medications for cardiac function). If normal practice at the institution is to provide the LVEF result as a range of values, then the upper value of the range will be used to determine the result.
      • ii. QTc (by Fridericia's formula) < 470ms as measured by electrocardiogram (ECG) within 14 days before enrollment (while not receiving medications for cardiac function).
    • Adequate central nervous system (CNS) function defined as:
      • i. Patients with seizures should be stable and not have experienced a significant increase in seizure frequency within 14 days prior to enrollment.
      • ii. Patients with neurologic deficits should have deficits that are stable for a minimum of 14 days prior to enrollment.
      • iii. Patients receiving steroids for tumor-associated symptoms must be on a stable dose (e.g., no initial/loading dose, no increase or decrease) for 14 days prior to enrollment.
  • Study specific:
    • Baseline ophthalmology assessment within 28 days of study enrollment.
    • MRI assessment within 28 days of study enrollment. MRI done for clinical indication but within the window for study would be permitted as baseline.
    • Ability to comply with treatment, laboratory monitoring, and required clinic visits for the duration of study participation.
    • Willingness of male and female patients with reproductive potential to use double effective birth control methods, defined as one used by the patient and another by his/her partner, for the duration of treatment and for 180 days following the last dose of study drug. Effective birth control methods are described in Appendix H.
    • Ability to swallow tablets or liquid, or gastric access via a nasal or gastric tube.
    • Patient is able to start treatment within 14 working days of screening.
    • Parent/guardian of child or adolescent patient has the ability to understand, agree to, and sign the study ICF and applicable pediatric assent form before initiation of any protocol related procedures; patient has the ability to give assent, as applicable, at the time of parental/guardian consent.
Exclusion Criteria
  • Patient's tumor has additional previously known activating molecular alterations, other than BRAF or CRAF.
  • Known or suspected diagnosis of neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF-1) via genetic testing or current diagnostic clinical criteria.
  • History of any major disease, other than the diagnosis of LGG, that might interfere with safe protocol participation.
  • Patient with a history or current evidence of central serous retinopathy (CSR), retinal vein occlusion (RVO), or ophthalmopathy present at baseline who would be considered a risk factor for CSR or RVO. Ophthalmological findings secondary to long-standing optic pathway glioma (such as visual loss, optic nerve pallor, or strabismus) will NOT be considered a significant abnormality for the purposes of this study.
  • Major surgery within 14 days (2 weeks) prior to enrollment (does not include central venous access, cyst fenestration or cyst drainage, or ventriculoperitoneal shunt placement or revision).
  • Clinically significant active cardiovascular disease, or history of myocardial infarction, or deep vein thrombosis/pulmonary embolism within 6 months prior to enrollment, ongoing cardiomyopathy, or current prolonged QT interval corrected for heart rate by Fridericia's formula (QTcF) interval > 470 ms based on triplicate ECG average.
  • Concomitant medications that are strong inhibitors or inducers of CYP2C8 or CYP3A4 within 14 days before initiation of therapy. Concomitant medications that are substrates of BCRP with a narrow therapeutic index within 14 days before initiation of therapy
  • Current enrollment in any other investigational treatment study. Participation on a concurrent observational or bio-sampling study is allowed.
  • Active systemic bacterial, viral, or fungal infection.
  • Nausea and vomiting ≥ National Cancer Institute (NCI) Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) 5.0 Grade 2 (for those not controlled by supportive care), malabsorption requiring supplementation, or significant bowel or stomach resection that would preclude adequate absorption of tovorafenib.
  • Patient has CTCAE v5.0 Grade 3, creatine phosphokinase (CPK) elevation (> 5 × ULN - 10 × ULN).
  • Patients who are neurologically unstable despite adequate treatment (e.g., uncontrolled seizures).
  • Pregnancy or lactation.
  • History of drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) syndrome or Stevens Johnsons syndrome (SJS). Patients with hypersensitivity to the investigational medicinal product or to any drug with similar chemical structure or to any other excipient present in the pharmaceutical form of the investigational medicinal product.
  • Other unspecified reasons that, in the opinion of the investigator, make the patient unsuitable for enrollment.

HeadStart4 (IRB15-00399) - HeadStart4: Newly Diagnosed Children (<10 y/o) With Medulloblastoma and Other CNS Embryonal Tumors Clinical and Molecular Risk-Tailored Intensive and Compressed Induction Chemotherapy Followed by Consolidation With Randomization to Either Single Cycle or to Three Tandem Cycles of Marrow-Ablative Chemotherapy With Autologous Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell Rescue

Closed to enrollment

HeadStart4 (IRB15-00399) - HeadStart4: Newly Diagnosed Children (<10 y/o) With Medulloblastoma and Other CNS Embryonal Tumors Clinical and Molecular Risk-Tailored Intensive and Compressed Induction Chemotherapy Followed by Consolidation With Randomization to Either Single Cycle or to Three Tandem Cycles of Marrow-Ablative Chemotherapy With Autologous Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell Rescue

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DiagnosisMedulloblastoma, Central Nervous System Embryonal Tumors, Pineoblastoma, CNS neuroblastoma, CNS ganglioneuroblastomaStudy StatusClosed to enrollment
AgeChild - (up to 10 years)RandomisationYES
Line of treatmentFirst line treatment
Routes of Treatment AdministrationIV chemotherapies
Last Posted Update2024-05-02 #NCT02875314
International Sponsor
Nationwide Children's Hospital
Principal Investigators for Canadian Sites
BC Children's Hospital – Dr. Sylvia Cheng
Alberta Children's Hospital – Dr. Lucie Lafay-Cousin
The Hospital for Sick Children – Dr. Annie A. Huang
Stollery Children's Hospital – Dr. Bev Wilson
Hamilton Health Sciences Centre, McMaster University – Dr. Adam Fleming

Medical contact
Rebecca Deyell


Social worker/patient navigator contact
Ilana Katz 


Clinical research contact
Hem/Onc/BMT Clinical Trials Unit


Medical contact
Dr. Victor Lewis


Social worker/patient navigator contact
Wendy Pelletier
Clinical research contact
Debra Rich
Medical contact

Dr. Daniel Morgenstern

Social worker/patient navigator contact

Karen Fung

Clinical research contact

New Agent and Innovative Therapies (NAIT)


Medical contact
Dr. Sarah McKillop
Dr. Sunil Desai



Social worker/patient navigator contact
Danielle Sikora
 Michelle Woytiuk 
Jaime Hobbs
Clinical research contact
Amanda Perreault
Medical contact
Dr. Carol Portwine
Social worker/patient navigator contact
Jane Cassano 
Clinical research contact
Sabrina Millson



Study Description

Brief Summary:

This is a prospective randomized clinical trial, to determine whether dose-intensive tandem Consolidation, in a randomized comparison with single cycle Consolidation, provides an event-free survival (EFS) and overall survival (OS). The study population will be high-risk patients (non-Wnt and non-Shh sub-groups) with medulloblastoma, and for all patients with central nervous system (CNS) embryonal tumors completing "Head Start 4" Induction. This study will further determine whether the additional labor intensity (duration of hospitalizations and short-term and long-term morbidities) associated with the tandem treatment is justified by the improvement in outcome. It is expected that the tandem (3 cycles) Consolidation regimen will produce a superior outcome compared to the single cycle Consolidation, given the substantially higher dose intensity of the tandem regimen, without significant addition of either short-term or long-term morbidities.

Detailed Description:

Due to the inferior response and event-free survival data of Regimens D and D2 on "Head Start III" for all children with supratentorial embryonal tumors, in comparison with the published data from "Head Start II" with Regimen A2 for metastatic patients, all such patients will receive the "Head Start II" Induction Regimen A2, on "Head Start 4", for either three or five cycles, depending upon whether or not they achieve complete remission by the end of Induction cycle #3. They will then undergo randomization to either single cycle or three tandem cycles of Consolidation marrow-ablative chemotherapy with AuHPCR.

Because of the unsatisfactory event-free survival for young children with non-desmoplastic/extensive nodular medulloblastoma (predominantly non-Shh and non-Wnt medulloblastoma subgroups) on Regimens D and D2 of "Head Start III", all these patients will receive the "Head Start II" Induction Regimen A2 on ""Head Start 4"", for either three or five cycles, depending upon whether or not they achieve complete remission by the end of Induction cycle #3. They will then undergo randomization to either single cycle or three tandem cycles of Consolidation marrow-ablative chemotherapy with AuHPCR.

Because of the excellent event-free and overall survival for young children with good risk medullo-blastoma (Shh or Wnt subgroups) treated with up-front "Head Start" chemotherapy strategies, such patients will undergo risk-tailored reduction of duration of Induction therapy from five cycles to three cycles of the "Head Start II" Induction Regimen A2 on "Head Start 4" for patients achieving a complete response to 3 cycles, followed, provided they are also without evidence of residual tumor following recovery from Induction cycle #3. They will NOT then undergo randomization, but will follow with a single cycle of Consolidation marrow-ablative chemotherapy as in "Head Start" studies.

Inclusion Criteria
  • Patients 10 years of age at the time of definitive confirmatory eligible histologic or cytologic diagnosis of eligible CNS tumor (brain or spinal cord)
  • Patients may not have received irradiation or chemotherapy (except corticosteroids)
  • Have histologically proven diagnosis of medulloblastoma or CNS embryonal tumors of the brain or spinal cord
  • Medulloblastoma

    • Posterior fossa classic, desmoplastic or extensive nodular or anaplastic/large cell medulloblastoma with appropriate and sufficient tumor material (FFPE or snap frozen) for proposed assays: all stages, age less than 6 years at diagnosis
    • Posterior fossa classic or anaplastic/large cell medulloblastoma with sufficient tumor material (FFPE or snap frozen) for proposed assays: clinically high-stage (neuraxis or extra-neural dissemination, M1-4), age greater than 6 years to less than 10 years at diagnosis
    • Posterior fossa medulloblastoma, those 6 years of age and above at diagnosis, will only be eligible if they have evidence of neuraxis or extraneural dissemination. Patients 6 years of age and above with low-stage (standard-risk, M0) medulloblastoma will NOT be eligible for this study, irrespective of molecular subgroup and extend of local resection
  • CNS Embryonal Tumors:

    - Pineoblastoma, CNS neuroblastoma, CNS ganglioneuroblastoma, embryonal tumor with multi-layered rosettes (ETMR, including embryonal tumor with abundant neuropil and true rosettes (ETANTR), ependymoblastoma and ETMR not otherwise specified), medulloepithelioma, CNS embryonal tumor with rhabdoid features (INI1 intact) and CNS embryonal tumor, not otherwise specified.

  • Must commence Induction chemotherapy within 28 days of the most recent definitive surgical procedure and within 21 days of the most recent neuro-imaging studies (MRI of brain, performed with and without gadolinium contrast, and MRI of total spine, performed with gadolinium contrast) and lumbar CSF cytological examination
  • Patients must have adequate organ functions at the time of registration:

    • Liver: bilirubin less than 1.5 mg/dL (except for patients with Gilbert's Syndrome of indirect hyperbilirubinemia) and transaminases [SGPT or ALT, and SGOT or AST] less than 2.5 (two and a half) times the upper limits of institutional normal.
    • Renal: Creatinine clearance and/or glomerular filtration rate (GFR) greater than or equal to 60 mL/min/1.73m² within 21 days of protocol therapy.
    • Bone Marrow Function:

      1. Peripheral absolute phagocyte count (APC) > 1000/ µL. APC = numbers of banded neutrophils + segmented neutrophils + metamyelocytes + monocytes + eosinophils Please note, if institution reports differential as a percentage, then APC = [percentage of banded neutrophils + segmented neutrophils+ metamyelocytes+monocytes+eosinophils] x total white cell count.
      2. Platelet Count > 100,000/µL (transfusion independent)
      3. Hemoglobin > 8 gm/dL (may have received RBC transfusions).
Exclusion Criteria
  • Patients older than 10 years of age at time of diagnosis
  • Following diagnoses are not eligible for study enrollment: CNS atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor (AT/RT); all ependymomas including anaplastic ependymomas of the brain or spinal cord; all choroid plexus carcinomas; all high-grade glial and glio-neuronal tumors; all primary CNS germ cell tumors; all primary CNS sarcomas; all primary or metastatic CNS lymphomas and solid leukemic lesions (i.e., chloromas, granulocytic sarcomas).
  • Patients with unbiopsied diffuse intrinsic pontine tumors will NOT be eligible for this study.

I3Y-MC-JPCS - A Phase 1b/2 Study of Abemaciclib in Combination With Irinotecan and Temozolomide (Part A) and Abemaciclib in Combination With Temozolomide (Part B) in Pediatric and Young Adult Patients With Relapsed/Refractory Solid Tumors and Abemaciclib in Combination With Dinutuximab, GM-CSF, Irinotecan, and Temozolomide in Pediatric and Young Adult Patients With Relapsed/Refractory Neuroblastoma (Part C)


I3Y-MC-JPCS - A Phase 1b/2 Study of Abemaciclib in Combination With Irinotecan and Temozolomide (Part A) and Abemaciclib in Combination With Temozolomide (Part B) in Pediatric and Young Adult Patients With Relapsed/Refractory Solid Tumors and Abemaciclib in Combination With Dinutuximab, GM-CSF, Irinotecan, and Temozolomide in Pediatric and Young Adult Patients With Relapsed/Refractory Neuroblastoma (Part C)

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DiagnosisSolid TumorStudy StatusSuspended
Ageup to 21 YearsRandomisationNO
Line of treatmentDisease relapse or progression
Routes of Treatment AdministrationAbemaciclib (Given Orally) in combination with: Irinotecan and Temozolomide (Part A Only) Temozolomide alone (Part B Only) Dinutuximab, GM-CSF, Irinotecan, and Temozolomide (Part C Only)
Last Posted Update2024-05-02 #NCT04238819
International Sponsor
Eli Lilly and Company
Principal Investigators for Canadian Sites
Ste Justine - Dr. Pierre Teira
Medical contact
Dr. Henrique Bittencourt
Dr. Monia Marzouki
Dr. Sebastien Perreault (neuro-onc)
Social worker/patient navigator contact
Marie-Claude Charrette
Clinical research contact
Marie Saint-Jacques



Study Description

The study's purpose is to see if the drug, abemaciclib, is safe and effective when given with other drugs to kill cancer cells. The study is open to children and young adults with solid tumors, including neuroblastoma, that did not respond or grew during other anti-cancer treatment.

Inclusion Criteria

Parts A and B only:

  • Participants must be less than or equal to (≤)18 years of age.
  • Body weight greater than or equal to (≥)10 kilograms and body surface area (BSA) ≥0.5
  • Participants with any relapsed/refractory malignant solid tumor (excluding lymphoma), including central nervous system tumors, that have progressed on standard therapies.
  • For sites that are actively enrolling Parts B and C, participants with neuroblastoma who are eligible for Part C will be excluded from Part B unless approved by Lilly CRP/CRS.

Part C only:

  • Participants must be less than (<) 21 years of age.
  • Participants have a BSA ≥0.3 m².
  • Participants with first relapse/refractory neuroblastoma.

All Parts

  • Participants must have measurable or evaluable disease by RECIST v1.1 or RANO.
  • A Lansky score ≥50 for participants <16 years of age or Karnofsky score ≥50 for participants ≥16 years of age.
  • Participants must have discontinued all previous treatments for cancer or investigational agents and must have recovered from the acute effects to Grade ≤1 at the time of enrollment.
  • Able to swallow.
  • Adequate hematologic and organ function ≤2 weeks (14 days) prior to first dose of study drug.
  • Females of reproductive potential must have negative urine or serum pregnancy test at baseline (within 7 days prior to starting treatment).
  • Female participants of reproductive potential must agree to use highly effective contraceptive precautions during the trial. For abemaciclib, females should use contraception for at least 3 weeks following the last abemaciclib. For other study drugs, highly effective contraceptive precautions (and avoiding sperm donation) must be used according to their label.
  • Life expectancy of at least 8 weeks and able to complete at least 1 cycle of treatment.
  • Caregivers and participants willing to make themselves available for the duration of the trial.

Other inclusion and exclusion criteria may apply

Exclusion Criteria
  • Received allogenic bone marrow or solid organ transplant.
  • Received live vaccination.
  • Intolerability or hypersensitivity to any of the study treatments or its components.
  • Diagnosed and/or treated additional malignancy within 3 years prior to enrollment that may affect the interpretation of results, with the exception of curatively treated basal cell carcinoma of the skin, squamous cell carcinoma of the skin, and/or curatively resected in situ cervical and/or breast cancers.
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Active systemic infections or viral load.
  • Serious and/or uncontrolled preexisting medical condition(s) that would preclude participation in this study.
  • Parts A and C only: Have a bowel obstruction.
  • Prior treatment with drugs known to be strong inhibitors or inducers of isoenzyme cytochrome P450 3A (CYP3A) or strong inhibitors of uridine diphosphate-glucuronosyl transferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) if the treatment cannot be discontinued or switched to a different medication at least 5 half-lives prior to starting study drug.
  • Received prior treatment with cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) 4 & 6 inhibitor.
  • Part C only: Received prior systemic therapy for relapsed/refractory neuroblastoma.
  • Currently enrolled in any other clinical study involving an investigational product or non-approved use of a drug or device.
  • Has received an experimental treatment in a clinical trial within the last 30 days or 5 half-lives, whichever is longer.

AREN1921 - Treatment of Newly Diagnosed Diffuse Anaplastic Wilms Tumors (DAWT) and Relapsed Favorable Histology Wilms Tumors (FHWT)


AREN1921 - Treatment of Newly Diagnosed Diffuse Anaplastic Wilms Tumors (DAWT) and Relapsed Favorable Histology Wilms Tumors (FHWT)

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DiagnosisAnaplastic Wilms Tumor, Recurrent Wilms TumorStudy StatusOpen
Ageup to 30 YearsRandomisationNO
Line of treatmentFirst line treatment, Disease relapse or progression
Routes of Treatment AdministrationChemotherapy medications, all given intravenously (Carboplatin, Cyclophosphamide, Doxorubicin, Etoposide, Ifosfamide, Irinotecan, Topotecan, Vincristine)
Last Posted Update2024-04-30 #NCT04322318
International Sponsor
Children's Oncology Group
Principal Investigators for Canadian Sites
Alberta Children's Hospital - Dr. Victor Lewis
BC Children's Hospital - Dr. David Dix
CancerCare Manitoba - Dr. Ashley Chopek
McMaster Children's Hospital - Dr. Uma Athale
Stollery Children's Hospital - Dr. Sarah McKillop
Western Children's Hospital - Dr. Shayna Zelcer
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) - Dr. Donna Johnston
Hospital for Sick Children - Dr. Daniel Morgenstern
Montreal Children's Hospital - Dr. Sharon Abish
CHU Quebec - Dr. Bruno Michon
CHU Ste. Justine - Dr. Yvan Samson
IWK Health Centre - Dr. Craig Erker
Janeway Hospital - Dr. Lisa Goodyear
CHU Sherbrooke - Dr. Josée Brossard
Medical contact

Dr. Daniel Morgenstern

Social worker/patient navigator contact

Karen Fung

Clinical research contact

New Agent and Innovative Therapies (NAIT)


Medical contact
Rebecca Deyell


Social worker/patient navigator contact
Ilana Katz 


Clinical research contact
Hem/Onc/BMT Clinical Trials Unit


Medical contact
Dr. Magimairajan Vanan
Social worker/patient navigator contact
Rhéanne Bisson
Clinical research contact
Rebekah Hiebert
Megan Ridler
Kathy Hjalmarsson



Medical contact
Dr. Carol Portwine
Social worker/patient navigator contact
Jane Cassano 
Clinical research contact
Sabrina Millson
Medical contact
Dr. Donna Johnston
Dr. Lesleigh Abbott
Dr. Doaa Abdel Fattah
Social worker/patient navigator contact
Sherley Telisma
Clinical research contact
Carol Duchenne
Medical contact
Dr. Alexandra Zorzi
Dr. Shayna Zelcer
Social worker/patient navigator contact
Cindy Milne Wren
Jessica Mackenzie Harris
Clinical research contact
Mariam Mikhail
Medical contact
Clinical Research Unit
Social worker/patient navigator contact
Clinical Research Unit
Clinical research contact
Stephanie Badour
Medical contact
Dr. Victor Lewis


Social worker/patient navigator contact
Wendy Pelletier
Clinical research contact
Debra Rich
Medical contact
Raoul Santiago
Social worker/patient navigator contact
Isabelle Audet
Clinical research contact
Barbara Desbiens


Medical contact
Dr. Sarah McKillop
Dr. Sunil Desai



Social worker/patient navigator contact
Danielle Sikora
 Michelle Woytiuk 
Jaime Hobbs
Clinical research contact
Amanda Perreault
Medical contact
Dr. Henrique Bittencourt
Dr. Monia Marzouki
Dr. Sebastien Perreault (neuro-onc)
Social worker/patient navigator contact
Marie-Claude Charrette
Clinical research contact
Marie Saint-Jacques
Medical contact
Dr. Paul Moorehead
Social worker/patient navigator contact
Stephanie Eason
Clinical research contact
Bev Mitchell
Medical contact
Dr. Josee Brossard 
Social worker/patient navigator contact
Please Contact Site Directly
Clinical research contact
Please Contact Site Directly 



Study Description

This phase II trial studies how well combination chemotherapy works in treating patients with newly diagnosed stage II-IV diffuse anaplastic Wilms tumors (DAWT) or favorable histology Wilms tumors (FHWT) that have come back (relapsed). Drugs used in chemotherapy regimens such as UH-3 (vincristine, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, carboplatin, etoposide, and irinotecan) and ICE/Cyclo/Topo (ifosfamide, carboplatin, etoposide, cyclophosphamide, and topotecan) work in different ways to stop the growth of tumor cells, either by killing the cells, by stopping them from dividing, or by stopping them from spreading. This trial may help doctors find out what effects, good and/or bad, regimen UH-3 has on patients with newly diagnosed DAWT and standard risk relapsed FHWT (those treated with only 2 drugs for the initial WT) and regimen ICE/Cyclo/Topo has on patients with high and very high risk relapsed FHWT (those treated with 3 or more drugs for the initial WT).



I. To evaluate whether the addition of vincristine/irinotecan to cyclophosphamide/ carboplatin/etoposide alternating with vincristine/doxorubicin/cyclophosphamide improves the event-free survival (EFS) of patients with newly diagnosed stage 4 diffuse anaplastic Wilms tumor (DAWT) as compared to historical controls.

II. To evaluate whether the addition of vincristine/irinotecan to cyclophosphamide/carboplatin/etoposide alternating with vincristine/doxorubicin/cyclophosphamide improves the EFS of patients with standard-risk relapsed favorable histology Wilms tumor (SRrFHWT) as compared to historical controls.


I. To evaluate whether the addition of vincristine/irinotecan to cyclophosphamide/carboplatin/etoposide alternating with vincristine/doxorubicin/cyclophosphamide improves the overall survival (OS) of patients with newly diagnosed stage 4 DAWT as compared to historical controls.

II. To evaluate whether the addition of vincristine/irinotecan to cyclophosphamide/carboplatin/etoposide alternating with vincristine/doxorubicin/cyclophosphamide improves the OS of patients with SRrFHWT as compared to historical controls.

III. To evaluate whether the addition of vincristine/irinotecan to cyclophosphamide/carboplatin/etoposide alternating with vincristine/doxorubicin/cyclophosphamide improves the EFS and OS of patients with newly diagnosed stage 2 and 3 DAWT as compared to historical controls.

IV. To establish EFS and OS for high-risk (HRrFHWT) and very high risk (VHRrFHWT) relapsed favorable histology Wilms tumor treated with ifosfamide/carboplatin/etoposide alternating with cyclophosphamide/ topotecan.


I. To describe renal toxicity of ifosfamide/carboplatin/etoposide in HRrFHWT and VHRrFHWT patients using conventional and novel biomarkers of renal toxicity (urine NGAL, cystatin C and Kim1) in the context of the chemotherapy regimens used on this study.

II. To collect and bank serial blood and urine samples in patients with newly diagnosed DAWT or relapsed FHWT and tumor tissue in patients with relapsed FHWT, for future analysis.

III. To assess the impact of p53 gene and protein expression on outcome for patients with newly diagnosed DAWT.

IV. To determine EFS/OS in the subsets of patients with newly diagnosed DAWT or relapsed FWHT who undergo gross total resection at all disease sites at diagnosis or after neoadjuvant chemotherapy.

V. To describe the rate of regional lymph node sampling at the time of nephrectomy with the use of a pre-operative surgical checklist for patients with newly diagnosed DAWT.

VI. To determine the feasibility of intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) with central quality assurance (QA) monitoring to reduce radiation induced toxicity to the heart, thyroid, breast and solitary kidney for children with lung and liver metastases (part of an overarching aim in this study and across frontline favorable histology Wilms tumor studies).


Inclusion Criteria
  • Patients with newly diagnosed stages 2 - 4 diffuse anaplastic Wilms tumor must be enrolled on AREN03B2 and have risk assignment or final pathology classification (if at delayed nephrectomy) results available prior to enrollment on AREN1921. Enrollment on AREN03B2 is not applicable for patients with relapsed favorable histology Wilms tumor
  • Patients with the following diagnoses are eligible for this study:
    • Newly diagnosed stages 2 - 4 diffuse anaplastic Wilms tumor as confirmed by central review
    • Favorable histology Wilms tumor at first relapse. Relapsed FHWT patients must have previously achieved remission for their initial FHWT diagnosis to be eligible for this study. The relapse risk groups are defined as follows, regardless of radiation therapy:
      • Standard-Risk relapse: Patients who received two chemotherapy agents for frontline therapy; primarily actinomycin D and vincristine
      • High-Risk relapse: Patients who received three chemotherapy agents for frontline therapy; primarily vincristine, actinomycin D and doxorubicin or vincristine, actinomycin D and irinotecan
      • Very High-Risk relapse: Patients who received four or more chemotherapy agents as part of initial therapy; primarily Regimen M or its variations
  • Patients with newly diagnosed DAWT must have had histologic verification of the malignancy. For relapsed FHWT patients, biopsy to prove recurrence is encouraged, but not required
    • Note: for relapsed FHWT patients, an institutional pathology report confirming favorable histology Wilms tumor (from relapse, if available, or from original diagnosis) must be available for upload prior to initiation of protocol therapy
  • Patients with newly diagnosed stages 2 - 4 diffuse anaplastic Wilms tumor must be enrolled on AREN1921 within 2 weeks of the first tumor-directed surgery or biopsy procedure (surgery/biopsy is day 0), except for patients who received prior therapy for presumed favorable histology Wilms tumor, later confirmed to have diffuse anaplastic Wilms tumor at subsequent review
  • Patients with newly diagnosed DAWT who undergo upfront nephrectomy must have at least 1 lymph node sampled prior to study enrollment
  • Patients must have a performance status corresponding to Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) scores of 0, 1 or 2. Use Karnofsky for patients > 16 years of age and Lansky for patients =< 16 years of age
  • Patients must have a life expectancy of >= 8 weeks
  • Diffuse Anaplastic Wilms Tumor: Patients with diffuse anaplastic histology must have had no prior systemic therapy, except in the following situations:
    • Patients with diffuse anaplastic Wilms tumor who received no more than 12 weeks of pre nephrectomy chemotherapy for what was originally presumed to be favorable histology Wilms tumor, subsequently confirmed to be diffuse anaplastic Wilms tumor at delayed nephrectomy.
    • Patients with diffuse anaplastic Wilms tumor who received no more than 6 weeks of chemotherapy following upfront nephrectomy or biopsy for presumed favorable histology Wilms tumor based on institutional review, but subsequently corrected to diffuse anaplastic Wilms tumor based on the AREN03B2 initial risk assignment results.
    • Treatment consisting of vincristine/doxorubicin/ cyclophosphamide initiated on an emergent basis and within allowed timing as described
    • Patients who received prior therapy for presumed favorable histology Wilms tumor, later identified to have diffuse anaplastic Wilms tumor as per above, must begin study treatment starting at cycle 3 (week 7) of regimen UH 3. For treatment details specific to this group of patients. Patients who received emergency radiation to preserve organ function are eligible as noted
  • Relapsed Favorable Histology Wilms Tumor: Patients must not have received prior chemotherapy for their relapsed favorable histology Wilms tumor diagnosis. In addition, patients must have fully recovered from the acute toxic effects of all prior chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or radiotherapy prior to entering this study
    • Myelosuppressive chemotherapy: Must not have received within 2 weeks of entry onto this study
    • Radiation therapy (RT): >= 2 weeks (wks) must have elapsed for local palliative RT (small port); >= 6 months must have elapsed if prior craniospinal RT or if >= 50% radiation of pelvis; >= 6 wks must have elapsed if other substantial BM radiation. Patients with relapsed favorable histology Wilms tumor who received emergency radiation to preserve organ function are eligible and do not need to washout with the above criteria
  • Patients may not be receiving any other investigational agents (within 4 weeks prior to study enrollment)
  • Peripheral absolute neutrophil count (ANC) >= 750/uL (performed within 7 days prior to enrollment)
  • Platelet count >= 75,000/uL (transfusion independent) (performed within 7 days prior to enrollment)
  • Hemoglobin >= 8.0 g/dL (may receive red blood cell [RBC] transfusions) (performed within 7 days prior to enrollment)
  • Patients with high-risk or very high-risk relapsed FHWT who will be treated with Regimen ICE/Cyclo/Topo, must have renal function assessed by creatinine clearance or radioisotope glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and meet the following requirement:
    • Creatinine clearance or radioisotope GFR >= 60 mL/min/1.73 m^2 (performed within 7 days prior to enrollment)
  • Patients diagnosed with stage 2-4 DAWT or standard risk relapsed FHWT, who will be treated with Regimen UH 3, may either obtain a creatinine clearance, radioisotope GFR (meeting the above criteria of GFR >= 60 mL/min/1.73 m^2), or an adequate serum creatinine as per the following table:
    • Age: Maximum Serum Creatinine (mg/dL)
    • 1 month to < 6 months: 0.4 (male and female)
    • 6 months to < 1 year: 0.5 (male and female)
    • 1 to < 2 years: 0.6 (male and female)
    • 2 to < 6 years: 0.8 (male and female)
    • 6 to < 10 years: 1 (male and female)
    • 10 to < 13 years: 1.2 (male and female)
    • 13 to < 16 years: 1.5 (male), 1.4 (female)
    • >= 16 years: 1.7 (male), 1.4 (female)
  • Total bilirubin =< 1.5 x upper limit of normal (ULN) for age or direct bilirubin =< ULN for patients whose total bilirubin > 1.5 x ULN (performed within 7 days prior to enrollment)
  • Serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT) (aspartate aminotransferase [AST]) or serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT) (alanine aminotransferase [ALT]) < 2.5 x upper limit of normal (ULN) for age or =< 5 x ULN for patients with liver metastases (performed within 7 days prior to enrollment)
  • Shortening fraction of >= 27% by echocardiogram, or ejection fraction of >= 50% by radionuclide angiogram (performed within 7 days prior to enrollment)
Exclusion Criteria
  • Patients with a history of bilateral Wilms tumor (synchronous or metachronous)
  • Patients with any uncontrolled, intercurrent illness including, but not limited to, ongoing or active infection, or symptomatic congestive heart failure (defined as grade 2 or higher heart failure per Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events [CTCAE] version 5.0)
  • Relapsed FHWT patients who did not receive frontline chemotherapy (e.g., very low risk FHWT initially observed without chemotherapy) or received only one chemotherapy agent for frontline therapy
  • For patients with high-risk or very high-risk relapsed FHWT:
    • Patients with renal tubular acidosis (RTA) as evidenced by serum bicarbonate < 16 mmol/L and serum phosphate =< 2 mg/dL (or < 0.8 mmol/L) without supplementation
  • For stages 2-4 DAWT and standard-risk relapsed FHWT patients:
    • Chronic inflammatory bowel disease and/or bowel obstruction
    • Concomitant use of St. John's wort, which cannot be stopped prior to the start of trial treatment
  • Female patients who are pregnant since fetal toxicities and teratogenic effects have been noted for several of the study drugs. A pregnancy test is required for female patients of childbearing potential
  • Lactating females who plan to breastfeed their infants
  • Sexually active patients of reproductive potential who have not agreed to use an effective contraceptive method for the duration of their study participation

AHEP1531 - Pediatric Hepatic Malignancy International Therapeutic Trial (PHITT)


AHEP1531 - Pediatric Hepatic Malignancy International Therapeutic Trial (PHITT)

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DiagnosisHepatocellular Carcinoma, Malignant Liver Neoplasm, Fibrolamellar Carcinoma, Hepatoblastoma Study StatusOpen
AgeChild, Adult - (up to 30 Years)RandomisationYES
Line of treatmentFirst line treatment
Routes of Treatment AdministrationCisplatin: IV, Other drugs are given as usually administered for hepatoblastoma/liver cancer therapy
Last Posted Update2024-04-30 #NCT03533582
International Sponsor
Children's Oncology Group
Principal Investigators for Canadian Sites
Alberta Children's Hospital - Dr. Victor A. Lewis
University of Alberta Hospital (Not Affiliated with U-Link) - Dr. Sarah J. McKillop
CancerCare Manitoba - Dr. Ashley Chopek
IWK Health Centre - Dr. Craig Erker
Hamilton Health Sciences Centre, McMaster University - Dr. Uma H. Athale
Cancer Centre of Southeastern Ontario at Kingston General Hospital - Dr. Laura Wheaton
Children's Hospital of Western Ontario - Dr. Shayna M. Zelcer
The Hospital for Sick Children - Dr. Furqan Shaikh
Montreal Children's Hospital - Dr. Sharon B. Abish
CHU Ste-Justine - Dr. Yvan Samson
CHU de Quebec - Dr. Bruno Michon
Medical contact
Dr. Victor Lewis


Social worker/patient navigator contact
Wendy Pelletier
Clinical research contact
Debra Rich
Medical contact
Dr. Magimairajan Vanan
Social worker/patient navigator contact
Rhéanne Bisson
Clinical research contact
Rebekah Hiebert
Megan Ridler
Kathy Hjalmarsson



Medical contact
Dr. Craig Erker
Dr. Conrad Fernandez 
Dr. Ketan Kulkarni 
Social worker/patient navigator contact
Rhonda Brophy
Clinical research contact
Tina Bocking
Medical contact
Dr. Carol Portwine
Social worker/patient navigator contact
Jane Cassano 
Clinical research contact
Sabrina Millson
Medical contact
Dr. Laura Wheaton
Dr. Mariana Silva
Social worker/patient navigator contact
Jessica Amey
Clinical research contact
Heather McLean
Medical contact
Dr. Alexandra Zorzi
Dr. Shayna Zelcer
Social worker/patient navigator contact
Cindy Milne Wren
Jessica Mackenzie Harris
Clinical research contact
Mariam Mikhail
Medical contact

Dr. Daniel Morgenstern

Social worker/patient navigator contact

Karen Fung

Clinical research contact

New Agent and Innovative Therapies (NAIT)


Medical contact
Clinical Research Unit
Social worker/patient navigator contact
Clinical Research Unit
Clinical research contact
Stephanie Badour
Medical contact
Dr. Henrique Bittencourt
Dr. Monia Marzouki
Dr. Sebastien Perreault (neuro-onc)
Social worker/patient navigator contact
Marie-Claude Charrette
Clinical research contact
Marie Saint-Jacques
Medical contact
Raoul Santiago
Social worker/patient navigator contact
Isabelle Audet
Clinical research contact
Barbara Desbiens




Study Description

Brief Summary:

This partially randomized phase II/III trial studies how well, in combination with surgery, cisplatin and combination chemotherapy works in treating children and young adults with hepatoblastoma or hepatocellular carcinoma. Drugs used in chemotherapy, such as cisplatin, doxorubicin, fluorouracil, vincristine sulfate, carboplatin, etoposide, irinotecan, sorafenib, gemcitabine and oxaliplatin, work in different ways to stop the growth of tumor cells, either by killing the cells, by stopping them from dividing, or by stopping them from spreading. Giving combination chemotherapy may kill more tumor cells than one type of chemotherapy alone.

Detailed Description:


I. To reduce therapy associated toxicity for patients with non-metastatic hepatoblastoma (HB) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) without adversely affecting long term outcomes.

II. To determine the event-free survival (EFS) in patients with HB whose tumor is completely resected at diagnosis and either receive no adjuvant chemotherapy (completely resected well differentiated fetal [WDF] histology HB) or 2 cycles of standard dose cisplatin monotherapy (completely resected non-well differentiated fetal histology HB - 100 mg/m^2/cycle given 3 weeks apart). (Group A) III. To demonstrate that 4 to 6 cycles of interval compressed lower dose cisplatin monotherapy (80 mg/m^2/cycle; 320-480 mg/m^2 total) is adequate for low risk HB. (Group B) IIIa. In patients who are resected after 2 cycles of cisplatin monotherapy, to compare EFS following a randomized comparison of 2 versus 4 post-operative cycles of cisplatin monotherapy. (Group B) IIIb. In patients whose tumors are deemed unresectable after 2 cycles of cisplatin monotherapy, to determine the proportion of tumors rendered completely resectable by an additional 2 or 4 cycles of chemotherapy. (Group B) IV. To compare in a randomized fashion, EFS in patients with intermediate risk HB treated with 6 cycles of cisplatin/5-fluorouracil/vincristine/doxorubicin (C5VD) chemotherapy versus 6 cycles of interval compressed cisplatin monotherapy (100 mg/m^2/dose). (Group C) V. To determine the EFS in patients with HCC whose tumor is completely resected at diagnosis who receive no adjuvant chemotherapy (completely resected HCC arising in the context of underlying liver disease) or 4 cycles of cisplatin/doxorubicin (PLADO) (completely resected de novo HCC). (Group E) VI. To improve the EFS of patients with high risk HB by treating them with interval compressed cisplatin and doxorubicin based induction regimen followed by response-adapted consolidation therapy. (Group D) VIa. In patients whose metastatic disease resolves with the administration of Societe Internationale d'Oncologie Pediatrique (SIOPEL) 4 Induction therapy, to determine if the promising pilot results observed in SIOPEL 4 can be validated in a large international study. (Group D1) VIb. In patients whose metastatic disease does not resolve with the administration of SIOPEL 4 Induction therapy, to determine in a randomized comparison which post induction treatment (irinotecan and vincristine sulfate [vincristine] alternating with carboplatin and doxorubicin or carboplatin and etoposide alternating with carboplatin and doxorubicin) results in superior outcomes. (Group D Arm CE & Arm VI) VII. In patients with unresectable/metastatic HCC at diagnosis, to determine whether the addition of gemcitabine and oxaliplatin (GEMOX + sorafenib) to a cisplatin, doxorubicin and sorafenib backbone improves chemotherapy response, resectability and survival. (Group F)


I. To determine if the Childhood Hepatic tumor International Consortium (CHIC) hepatoblastoma risk stratification analysis of very low risk (Group A), low risk (Group B), intermediate risk (Group C) and high risk (Group D) groups stratifies patients allowing appropriate utilization of varying intensity chemotherapy regimens and surgical resection strategies.

II. To define the prognostic relevance of a positive microscopic margin in Group A-D resected HB specimens.

III. To define the frequency of histologically detectable multifocal lesions in liver explants and resected specimens in which multifocal disease was detected at diagnosis and disappeared on cross sectional imaging following treatment with chemotherapy.

IV. To define the prognostic relevance in HB of a 'small cell undifferentiated' tumor component and percentage of tumor necrosis in post chemotherapy specimens.

V. To determine the prognostic impact on EFS and overall survival (OS) of biopsy technique in liver tumors unresectable at diagnosis.

VI. To determine the 3-year EFS and OS of HB patients who undergo liver transplantation vs extreme resection in Group C and D patients.

VII. To determine the 3-year EFS and OS of Group D patients who undergo pulmonary metastasectomy.

VIII. To determine the 3-year EFS and OS of patients who undergo liver transplantation for HCC.

IX. To determine the frequency of relapse in non-metastatic HCC in children treated by liver transplantation versus conventional resection.

X. To determine the concordance of Pretreatment Extent of Disease (PRETEXT) and Post-treatment Extent of disease (POSTTEXT) based surgical guidelines and the surgical intervention performed.

XI. To collect for future analysis, HB and HCC tumor specimens that can be molecularly characterized to validate newly identified molecular and immunohistochemical biomarkers correlating with known clinical prognostic factors and outcome.

XII. To evaluate the hepatoblastoma molecular risk-predictive model (HB-MRP) to risk stratify hepatoblastoma patients in the context of the current AHEP1531 trial.

XIII. To collect for future analysis samples to assess the pharmacogenomics (PG) related to cisplatin therapy in pediatric and adolescent liver tumor patients and correlate PG with Boston Grading Scale for ototoxicity.

XIV. To collect for future analysis samples such that novel biomarkers of renal toxicity (urine neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin [NGAL], cystatin C and Kim1) from cisplatin therapy can be correlated with pharmacogenomics, other associated toxicities, and outcomes.

XV. To determine which system (Children's Oncology Group [COG] PRETEXT, SIOPEL PRETEXT, or a new hybrid definition of PRETEXT) of the annotation factors for V, P, E, F and R provides the best prognostic information for determining response to chemotherapy, guiding risk based therapy, predicting surgical resectability, and EFS.

XVI. To determine the concordance between institutional and expert panel review assessment of PRETEXT and POSTTEXT stage in an international cooperative group setting.


GROUP A (VERY LOW RISK HB): Patients are assigned to 1 of 2 groups.

GROUP A1 (WDF): Patients undergo observation.

GROUP A2 (NON-WDF): Patients receive cisplatin (CDDP) intravenously (IV) over 6 hours on day 1 following surgery. Treatment repeats every 21 days for up to 2 cycles in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.

GROUP B (LOW RISK HB): Patients receive cisplatin IV over 6 hours on day 1. Treatment repeats every 14 days for up to 2 cycles in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity. Patients are then assigned to 1 of 2 groups

GROUP B1 (RESECTABLE): Patients receive 2 cycles of cisplatin, undergo surgery, then are randomized to 1 of 2 arms (2 vs 4 additional cycles of cisplatin).

GROUP B1 ARM 4-CDDP: Patients receive cisplatin IV over 6 hours on day 1. Treatment repeats every 14 days for up to 4 total cycles (2 pre-surgery, 2 post-surgery) in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.

GROUP B1 ARM 6-CDDP: Patients receive cisplatin IV over 6 hours on day 1. Treatment repeats every 14 days for up to 6 total cycles(2 pre-surgery, 4 post-surgery) in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.

GROUP B2 (UNRESECTABLE): Patients receive cisplatin IV over 6 hours on day 1. Treatment repeats every 14 days for up to 6 total cycles (4 pre-surgery, 2 post-surgery). Patients with resectable tumors undergo surgery, then all patients continue with 2 additional cycles of cisplatin.

GROUP C (INTERMEDIATE RISK HB): Patients are randomized to 1 of 2 arms.

GROUP C ARM CDDP: Patients receive cisplatin IV over 6 hours on day 1. Treatment repeats every 14 days for up to 6 cycles in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity. Patients undergo surgery after cycle 2 or 4.

GROUP C ARM C5VD: Patients receive cisplatin IV over 6 hours on day 1, 5-fluorouracil IV over 1-15 minutes, vincristine sulfate IV over 1 minute on days 1, 8, and 15 and doxorubicin IV over 1-15 minutes on days 1 and 2. Treatment repeats every 21 days for up to 6 cycles in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity. Patients undergo surgery after cycle 2 or 4.

GROUP D (HIGH RISK HB): SIOPEL-4 IV INDUCTION: Patients receive cisplatin IV over 6 hours on days 1, 8, and 15 (for cycles 1 and 2) and days 1 and 8 (for cycle 3) and doxorubicin IV over 1-15 minutes on days 8 and 9 (for cycles 1 and 2) and days 1 and 2 (for cycle 3). Cycles 1 and 2 are 28 days; cycle 3 is 21 days. Patients are then assigned to 1 of 2 arms.

GROUP D1: CONSOLIDATION THERAPY: Patients with lung complete remission (either with chemotherapy and/or surgery) receive carboplatin IV over 1 hour on day 1 and doxorubicin IV over 1-15 minutes on days 1 and 2. Treatment repeats every 21 days for 3 cycles in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.

GROUP D2: Patients with residual metastatic disease are randomized to 1 of 2 arms.

GROUP D2 ARM CE: Patients receive carboplatin IV over 1 hour on days 1 and 2, doxorubicin IV over 1-15 minutes on days 1 and 2 during cycles 1, 3 and 5, and carboplatin IV over 1 hour and etoposide IV over 2 hours on day 1 and 2 of cycles 2, 4 and 6. Treatments repeat every 21 days for 6 cycles in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.

GROUP D2 ARM VI: Patients receive carboplatin IV over 1 hour on days 1 and 2 and doxorubicin IV over 1-15 minutes on days 1 and 2 during cycles 1, 3 and 5. Patients also receive vincristine sulfate IV over 1 minute on days 1 and 8 and irinotecan IV over 60-90 minutes once daily (QD) on days 1 to 5 of cycles 2, 4 and 6. Treatments repeat every 21 days for 6 cycles in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.

GROUP E (RESECTED HCC): Patients are assigned to 1 of 2 groups.

GROUP E1: Patients with HCC secondary to underlying hepatic disease undergo observation only.

GROUP E2 (PLADO): Patients with de novo HCC receive cisplatin IV over 6 hours on day 1 and doxorubicin IV over 1-15 minutes on days 1 and 2 following surgery. Treatments repeat every 21 days for 4 cycles in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.

GROUP F (UNRESECTED AND/OR METASTATIC HCC): Patients are randomized to 1 of 2 arms.

GROUP F ARM 1 (PLADO): Patients receive cisplatin IV over 6 hours on day 1, doxorubicin IV over 1-15 minutes on days 1 and 2 and sorafenib orally (PO) twice daily (BID) on days 3-21. Treatments repeat every 21 days for up to 3 cycles in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity. Patients may undergo surgery, if tumors are resectable, or receive an additional 3 cycles of the treatment.

GROUP F ARM 2 (P/GEMOX): Patients receive cisplatin IV over 6 hours on day 1, doxorubicin IV over 1-15 minutes on days 1 and 2 and sorafenib PO BID on days 3-14 of cycles 1 and 3. Patients also receive gemcitabine IV over 90 minutes on day 1, oxaliplatin IV over 2 hours on day 1 and sorafenib PO on days 1-14 of cycles 2 and 4. Patients may undergo surgery, if tumors are resectable, or receive an additional 4 cycles of the treatment.

After completion of study treatment, patients are followed up for a minimum of 2 years.

Inclusion Criteria
  • Patients in Group F must have a body surface area (BSA) >= 0.6 m^2
  • Patients must have a performance status corresponding to Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) scores of 0, 1, or 2; use Karnofsky for patients > 16 years of age and Lansky for patients =< 16 years of age; patients who are unable to walk because of paralysis, but who are up in a wheelchair, will be considered ambulatory for the purpose of assessing the performance score
  • Patients must be newly diagnosed with histologically-proven primary pediatric hepatic malignancies including hepatoblastoma or hepatocellular carcinoma, except as noted below; patients with a diagnosis of hepatocellular neoplasm, not otherwise specified, should be classified and treated per hepatoblastoma treatment arms; note that rapid central pathology review is required in some cases; please note: all patients with histology as assessed by the institutional pathologist consistent with pure small cell undifferentiated (SCU) HB will be required to have testing for INI1/SMARCB1 by immunohistochemistry (IHC) according to the practices at the institution
  • Patients with histology consistent with pure SCU must have positive INI1/SMARCB1 staining
  • For all Group A patients, WDF status as determined by rapid review will be used to further stratify patients to Group A1 or A2

    • For Groups B, C and D, rapid review is required if patients are either >= 8 years of age or have an alphafetoprotein (AFP) =< 100 at diagnosis
    • For all Groups E and F patients, rapid central pathology review is required
  • In emergency situations when a patient meets all other eligibility criteria and has had baseline required observations, but is too ill to undergo a biopsy safely, the patient may be enrolled without a biopsy

    • Clinical situations in which emergent treatment may be indicated include, but are not limited to, the following circumstances:

      • Anatomic or mechanical compromise of critical organ function by tumor (e.g., respiratory distress/failure, abdominal compartment syndrome, urinary obstruction, etc.)
      • Uncorrectable coagulopathy
    • For a patient to maintain eligibility for AHEP1531 when emergent treatment is given, the following must occur:

      • The patient must have a clinical diagnosis of hepatoblastoma, including an elevated alphafetoprotein (AFP), and must meet all AHEP1531 eligibility criteria at the time of emergent treatment
      • Patient must be enrolled on AHEP1531 prior to initiating protocol therapy; a patient will be ineligible if any chemotherapy is administered prior to AHEP1531 enrollment
    • Note: If the patient receives AHEP1531 chemotherapy emergently PRIOR to undergoing a diagnostic biopsy, pathologic review of material obtained in the future during either biopsy or surgical resection must either confirm the diagnosis of hepatoblastoma or not reveal another pathological diagnosis to be included in the analysis of the study aims
  • Patients may have had surgical resection of the hepatic malignancy prior to enrollment; all other anti-cancer therapy for the current liver lesion is prohibited
  • Creatinine clearance or radioisotope glomerular filtration rate (GFR) >= 60 mL/min/1.73 m^2 or

    • A serum creatinine based on age/gender as follows:

      • Age: maximum serum creatinine (mg/dL)
      • 1 month to < 6 months: 0.4 (male and female)
      • 6 months to < 1 year: 0.5 (male and female)
      • 1 to < 2 years: 06 (male and female)
      • 2 to < 6 years: 0.8 (male and female)
      • 6 to < 10 years: 1 (male and female)
      • 10 to < 13 years: 1.2 (male and female)
      • 13 to < 16 years: 1.5 (male), 1.4 (female)
      • >= 16 years: 1.7 (male), 1.4 (female)
  • Total bilirubin =< 5 x upper limit of normal (ULN) for age
  • Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) (serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase [SGOT])/alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase [SGPT]) < 10 x upper limit of normal (ULN) for age
  • Shortening fraction of >= 28% by echocardiogram (for patients on doxorubicin-containing regimens [Groups C, D, E2, and F] assessed within 8 weeks prior to study enrollment) or
  • Ejection fraction of >= 47% by echocardiogram or radionuclide angiogram (for patients on doxorubicin-containing regimens [Groups C, D, E2, and F] assessed within 8 weeks prior to study enrollment)
  • Group F patients only: QT/corrected QT (QTc) interval =< 450 milliseconds for males and =< 470 milliseconds for females (assessed within 8 weeks prior to study enrollment)
  • Normal pulmonary function tests (including diffusion capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide [DLCO]) if there is clinical indication for determination (e.g. dyspnea at rest, known requirement for supplemental oxygen) (for patients receiving chemotherapy [Groups A, B, C, D, E2, F]); for patients who do not have respiratory symptoms or requirement for supplemental oxygen, pulmonary function tests (PFTs) are NOT required
  • All patients and/or their parents or legal guardians must sign a written informed consent
  • All institutional, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and National Cancer Institute (NCI) requirements for human studies must be met
Exclusion Criteria
  • Prior chemotherapy or tumor directed therapy (i.e. radiation therapy, biologic agents, local therapy (embolization, radiofrequency ablation, and laser); therefore, patients with a pre-disposition syndrome who have a prior malignancy are not eligible
  • Patients who are currently receiving another investigational drug
  • Patients who are currently receiving other anticancer agents
  • Patients with uncontrolled infection
  • Patients who previously received a solid organ transplant, other than those who previously received an orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) as primary treatment of their hepatocellular carcinoma
  • Patients with hypersensitivity to any drugs on their expected treatment arm
  • Group C: Patients who have known deficiency of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD)
  • Group D:

    • Patients with chronic inflammatory bowel disease and/or bowel obstruction
    • Patients with concomitant use of St. John's wort, which cannot be stopped prior to the start of trial treatment
  • Group F:

    • Patients with peripheral sensitive neuropathy with functional impairment
    • Patients with a personal or family history of congenital long QT syndrome
  • These criteria apply ONLY to patients who may receive chemotherapy (all groups other than Group E1):

    • Female patients who are pregnant since fetal toxicities and teratogenic effects have been noted for several of the study drugs; a pregnancy test is required for female patients of childbearing potential
    • Lactating females who plan to breastfeed their infants
    • Sexually active patients of reproductive potential who have not agreed to use an effective contraceptive method for the duration of their study participation

      • Note for Group F: patients of childbearing potential should use effective birth control during treatment with sorafenib and for at least 2 weeks after stopping treatment

ONITT - A Randomized Phase I/II Study of Talazoparib or Temozolomide in Combination With Onivyde in Children With Recurrent Solid Malignancies and Ewing Sarcoma

Closed to enrollment

ONITT - A Randomized Phase I/II Study of Talazoparib or Temozolomide in Combination With Onivyde in Children With Recurrent Solid Malignancies and Ewing Sarcoma

Go to family friendly version

DiagnosisEwing Sarcoma, Hepatoblastoma, Neuroblastoma, Osteosarcoma, Rhabdoid Tumor, Rhabdomyosarcoma, Wilms, SarcomaStudy StatusClosed to enrollment
AgeChild, Adult - (12 Months to 30 Years) RandomisationYES
Line of treatmentDisease relapse or progression
Routes of Treatment AdministrationOnivyde: IV , Talazoparib: oral , Temozolomide: unspecified (oral or IV most likely)
Last Posted Update2024-04-26 #NCT04901702
International Sponsor
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
Principal Investigators for Canadian Sites
The Hospital for Sick Children - Dr. Daniel Morgenstern
BC Children's Hospital - Dr. Rebecca Deyell
CHU Ste Justine - Dr Monia Marzouki
Medical contact

Dr. Daniel Morgenstern

Social worker/patient navigator contact

Karen Fung

Clinical research contact

New Agent and Innovative Therapies (NAIT)


Medical contact
Rebecca Deyell


Social worker/patient navigator contact
Ilana Katz 


Clinical research contact
Hem/Onc/BMT Clinical Trials Unit


Medical contact
Dr. Henrique Bittencourt
Dr. Monia Marzouki
Dr. Sebastien Perreault (neuro-onc)
Social worker/patient navigator contact
Marie-Claude Charrette
Clinical research contact
Marie Saint-Jacques



Study Description


 This study is eligible for STEP-1 funding. Find more information here


Brief Summary:

The phase I portion of this study is designed for children or adolescents and young adults (AYA) with a diagnosis of a solid tumor that has recurred (come back after treatment) or is refractory (never completely went away). The trial will test 2 combinations of therapy and participants will be randomly assigned to either Arm A or Arm B. The purpose of the phase I study is to determine the highest tolerable doses of the combinations of treatment given in each Arm.

In Arm A, children and AYAs with recurrent or refractory solid tumors will receive 2 medications called Onivyde and talazoparib. Onivyde works by damaging the DNA of the cancer cell and talazoparib works by blocking the repair of the DNA once the cancer cell is damaged. By damaging the tumor DNA and blocking the repair, the cancer cells may die. In Arm B, children and AYAs with recurrent or refractory solid tumors will receive 2 medications called Onivyde and temozolomide. Both of these medications work by damaging the DNA of the cancer call which may cause the tumor(s) to die.

Once the highest doses are reached in Arm A and Arm B, then "expansion Arms" will open. An expansion arm treats more children and AYAs with recurrent or refractory solid tumors at the highest doses achieved in the phase I study. The goal of the expansion arms is to see if the tumors go away in children and AYAs with recurrent or refractory solid tumors. There will be 3 "expansion Arms". In Arm A1, children and AYAs with recurrent or refractory solid tumors (excluding Ewing sarcoma) will receive Onivyde and talazoparib. In Arm A2, children and AYAs with recurrent or refractory solid tumors, whose tumors have a problem with repairing DNA (identified by their doctor), will receive Onivyde and talazoparib. In Arm B1, children and AYAs with recurrent or refractory solid tumors (excluding Ewing sarcoma) will receive Onivyde and temozolomide.

Once the highest doses of medications used in Arm A and Arm B are determined, then a phase II study will open for children or young adults with Ewing sarcoma that has recurred or is refractory following treatment received after the initial diagnosis. The trial will test the same 2 combinations of therapy in Arm A and Arm B. In the phase II, a participant with Ewing sarcoma will be randomly assigned to receive the treatment given on either Arm A or Arm B.

Detailed Description:

ONITT (ONIvyde, Talazoparib, Temozolomide) is a phase I/II study which will evaluate two treatment regimens; nanoliposomal irinotecan (nal-IRN, Onivyde) plus talazoparib (TAL) and Onivyde (ONI) plus temozolomide (TMZ) for the treatment of recurrent or refractory (RR) Ewing sarcoma. A dose finding phase I study will be open to patients with recurrent or refractory solid tumors. Patients will be assigned to receive either ONI plus TAL (Arm A) or ONI plus TMZ (Arm B). Once the recommended phase II doses (RP2D) of Arm A and Arm B are determined, expansion cohorts (A1, B1) will open at the RP2Ds for enrollment of non-Ewing sarcoma solid tumor patients. There will be an additional Arm A expansion cohort (A2) for patients with homologous recombination repair defects. Concurrently, the phase II study will open to patients with RR Ewing sarcoma. In the phase II study, patients with RR Ewing sarcoma will be randomized to receive either ONI plus TAL or ONI plus TMZ. The primary endpoint will be progression-free survival (PFS). PFS of both treatment arms in the phase II study will be compared to one another by using a two-arm non-inferiority design when superiority is expected.

Phase I Primary Objective To determine the recommended phase 2 doses (RP2Ds) of Onivyde combined with talazoparib (Arm A) and Onivyde combined with temozolomide (Arm B) administered to children, adolescents and young adults with refractory or recurrent solid malignancies.

Phase I Secondary Objectives

  • To characterize the safety profile of the drug regimens, Onivyde plus talazoparib (Arm A) and Onivyde plus temozolomide (Arm B).
  • To characterize the plasma pharmacokinetics (PK) of Onivyde and talazoparib in children, adolescents and young adults with refractory or recurrent solid malignancies.
  • To estimate the antitumor activity of Onivyde plus talazoparib and Onivyde plus temozolomide.

Phase I Exploratory Objectives

  • To describe the relationship between UGT1A1 genotype status with toxicity and response.
  • To describe the molecular profile of germline and tumors, including evaluation of mutations in homologous recombination genes and their possible association to therapy response in patients with recurrent or refractory solid tumors.
  • To measure ctDNA at different time points and evaluate its relationship with response to therapy.
  • To describe the safety profile of the combination Onivyde plus talazoparib and Onivyde plus temozolomide at the determined RP2D in children, adolescents and young adults treated in the expansion cohorts.
  • To describe the palatability and ease of administration of talazoparib liquid suspension in children who are unable to swallow the capsules.

Phase II Primary Objectives

• To compare the progression-free survival (PFS) of Onivyde plus talazoparib and Onivyde plus temozolomide in patients with refractory or recurrent Ewing sarcoma.

Phase II Secondary Objectives

  • To describe the toxicity of the treatment regimens.
  • To describe the objective response rate (ORR), disease control rate (DCR) after cycle 4, duration of response (DoR), event free survival (EFS) and overall survival (OS) for patients receiving Onivyde plus talazoparib and Onivyde plus temozolomide.
  • To characterize the plasma pharmacokinetics of Onivyde and talazoparib in children, adolescents and young adults with refractory or recurrent Ewing sarcoma.

Phase II Exploratory Objectives

  • To describe the relationship between UGT1A1 genotype status with toxicity and response.
  • To describe the molecular profile of germline and tumors, including evaluation of mutations in homologous recombination genes and their possible association to chemotherapy response in patients with recurrent or refractory Ewing sarcoma.
  • To describe ctDNA at different time points and the relationship with response to therapy.
  • To describe the palatability and ease of administration of talazoparib liquid suspension in children who are unable to swallow the capsules.

Phase I The phase I portion of the study will include 2 separate treatment arms, Arms A and B. Arm A will evaluate Onivyde plus talazoparib (ONI + TAL). Arm B will evaluate Onivyde plus temozolomide (ONI + TMZ). Both phase I studies will be open to patients with recurrent or refractory solid tumors who meet eligibility criteria. In Arm A, patients will receive intravenous Onivyde on Days 1 and 8. They will receive oral talazoparib twice on Day 1 and then daily on Days 2-6. In Arm B, patients will receive intravenous Onivyde on Days 1 and 8. They will receive oral temozolomide daily on Days 1-5. Pharmacokinetic testing will take place during Cycle 1. Therapy may continue for up to 24 months. Tumor assessments will be performed at baseline and repeated after cycles 2, 4, 6 and then every 4 cycles thereafter to assess disease status. If at any designated disease evaluation time point a patient develops a response that is better than the prior response (i.e. SD at Cycle 2 evaluation, then PR at Cycle 4 evaluation), an interim disease evaluation is recommended after 28 days to confirm response. Therapy will be discontinued if there is evidence of disease progression or drug-related dose limiting toxicities requiring removal from treatment. Safety and tolerability will be monitored continuously throughout study participation.

Phase II Following the completion of the phase I dose finding studies, patients with recurrent or refractory Ewing sarcoma that meet eligibility criteria will be eligible for randomization into the phase II study. Arm A will evaluate Onivyde plus talazoparib (ONI + TAL). Arm B will evaluate Onivyde plus temozolomide (ONI + TMZ). In Arm A, patients will receive intravenous Onivyde on Days 1 and 8. They will receive oral talazoparib twice on Day 1 and then daily on Days 2-6. In Arm B, patients will receive intravenous Onivyde on Days 1 and 8. They will receive oral temozolomide daily on Days 1-5. Pharmacokinetic testing will take place during Cycle 1. Therapy may continue for up to 24 months. Tumor assessments will be performed at baseline and repeated after Cycles 2, 4, 6 and then every 4 cycles thereafter to assess disease status. If at any designated disease evaluation time point a patient develops a response that is better than the prior response (i.e. SD at Cycle 2 evaluation, then PR at Cycle 4 evaluation), an interim disease evaluation is recommended after 28 days to confirm response. Therapy will be discontinued if there is evidence of disease progression and/or any other condition(s) occur that do not allow treatment continuation or similar toxicities requiring removal from the trial. Safety and tolerability will be monitored continuously throughout study participation.

Sample size: In the dose escalation phase I study, approximately 18 patients per arm will be enrolled for a total of 36 patients. The dose expansion phase I study will include 3 treatment cohorts. Arm A will have 2 dose expansion cohorts including 1) a non-ES solid tumor cohort (A1) and 2) a DNA repair defects/mutations cohort (A2). Arm B will have 1 dose expansion cohort including non-ES solid tumors (B1). Approximately 12 patients will enroll per expansion treatment cohort for a total of 36 patients. In the phase II study, 44 patients will be enrolled on each arm for a total of 88 patients.

Inclusion Criteria

Patients must be > 12 months and < 30 years at the time of enrollment on study.

Phase I

  • Patients with refractory or recurrent non-central nervous system (CNS) solid tumors not amenable to curative treatment are eligible. Patients must have had histologic verification of malignancy at original diagnosis or at the time of relapse. Patients eligible for the expansion cohort, A2, will include non-ES patients with refractory or recurrent non-CNS solid tumors with a deleterious alteration in germline or somatic genes involved in HR repair and DSBs signaling, germline or somatic assessed by prior comprehensive sequencing performed in a CLIA-approved (or equivalent) facility.

Phase II

  • Patients with refractory or recurrent Ewing sarcoma (during or after completion of first-line therapy). Refractory disease is defined as progression during first line treatment or within 12 weeks of completion of first line treatment. Recurrent disease includes patients who received first line treatment and experienced disease progression at any time point >12 weeks from the completion of first line therapy.
  • Patients must have a histologic diagnosis of Ewing sarcoma with EWSR1- FLI1 translocation or other EWS rearrangement at the time of initial diagnosis. Repeat biopsy at the time of disease recurrence is strongly encouraged but it is not required/mandated for enrollment.

Disease status

  • Patients must have either measurable or evaluable disease (see Section 7.0 for definitions). Measurable disease includes soft tissue disease evaluable by cross-sectional imaging (RECIST). Patients with bone disease without a measurable soft tissue component or bone marrow disease only are eligible for the phase 1 and phase 2 study but will not be included in the OR endpoint.
  • Performance level: Karnofsky > 50% for patients > 16 years of age and Lansky > 50% for patients < 16 years of age. Patients who are unable to walk because of paralysis, but who are up in a wheelchair, will be considered ambulatory for the purpose of assessing the performance score.

Prior therapy

Phase I Patients who have received prior therapy with an irinotecan-based or temozolomide-based regimen are eligible. Patients who have received prior therapy with a PARP inhibitor other than talazoparib are eligible.

Phase II

  • Patients should have received first line therapy and developed either refractory or recurrent disease (first relapse).
  • Organ function: Must have adequate organ and bone marrow function as defined by the following parameters:
  • Patients with solid tumors not metastatic to bone marrow:
  • Peripheral absolute neutrophil count (ANC) >1,000/mm3 (1x109/L)
  • Platelet count > 75,000/mm3 (75x109/L) (no transfusion within 7 days of enrollment)
  • Hemoglobin > 9 g/dL (with or without support)

In the phase I study, patients with solid tumors metastatic to bone marrow or with bone marrow hypocellularity defined as <30% cellularity in at least one bone marrow site will be eligible for study, but they will not be evaluable for hematologic toxicity. These patients must not be refractory to red cell or platelet transfusions. At least 2 of every cohort of 3 patients (in the phase I study) must be evaluable for hematologic toxicity. If dose limiting hematologic toxicity is observed at any dose level, all subsequent patients enrolled at that dose level must be evaluable for hematologic toxicity.

  • Adequate renal function defined as: Creatinine clearance or radioisotope GFR > 60ml/min/1.73m2 or a serum creatinine maximum based on age/sex: age 6months to <1 year, creatinine 0.4; 1 to < 2 years, creatinine 0.6; 2 < 6 years, creatinine 0.8; 6 < 10 years, creatinine 1; 10 to <13 years, creatinine 1.2; 13 to < 16 years creatinine 1.5 (males) or 1.4 (females); > 16 years, creatinine 1.7 (males) 1.4 (females)
  • Adequate liver function defined as: normal liver function as defined by SGPT (ALT) concentration <5x the institutional ULN, a total bilirubin concentration <2x the institutional ULN for age, and serum albumin > 2g/dL.
  • Adequate pulmonary function defined as no evidence of dyspnea at rest and a pulse oximetry > 94% if there is a clinical indication for determination. Pulmonary function tests are not required.
  • Patients must have fully recovered from the acute toxic effects of chemotherapy, immunotherapy, surgery, or radiotherapy prior to entering this study:
  • Myelosuppressive chemotherapy: Patient has not received myelosuppressive chemotherapy within 3 weeks of enrollment onto this study (8 weeks if received prior myeloablative therapy).
  • Hematopoietic growth factors: At least 7 days must have elapsed since the completion of therapy with a growth factor. At least 14 days must have elapsed after receiving pegfilgrastim.
  • Biologic (anti-neoplastic agent): At least 7 days must have elapsed since completion of therapy with a biologic agent. For agents that have known adverse events occurring beyond 7 days after administration, this period prior to enrollment must be extended beyond the time during which adverse events are known to occur.
  • Monoclonal antibodies: At least 3 half-lives must have elapsed since prior therapy that included a monoclonal antibody or 28 days have elapsed since last dose of the monoclonal antibody with complete resolution of symptoms related to treatment.
  • Radiotherapy: At least 2 weeks must have elapsed since any irradiation; at least 6 weeks must have elapsed since craniospinal RT, 131I-mIBG therapy or substantial bone marrow irradiation (e.g., >50% pelvis irradiation).
  • Female participant who is post-menarchal must have a negative urine or serum pregnancy test and must be willing to have additional serum and urine pregnancy tests during the study.
  • Female or male participant of reproductive potential must agree to use effective contraceptive methods at screening and throughout duration of study treatment.
Exclusion Criteria

Pregnant or breastfeeding

  • Pregnant or breast-feeding women will not be entered on this study. Pregnancy tests must be obtained in girls who are post-menarchal. Males or females of reproductive potential may not participate unless they have agreed to use two methods of birth control: a medically accepted barrier of contraceptive method (e.g., male or female condom) and a second method of birth control during protocol therapy. Two highly effective methods of contraception are required for female patients during treatment and for at least 7 months after completing therapy. Male patients with female partners of reproductive potential and/or pregnant partners are advised to use two highly effective methods of contraception during treatment and for at least 4 months after the final dose.
  • Male and female participants must agree not to donate sperm or eggs, respectively, after the first dose of study drug through 105 days and 45 days after the last dose of study drug. Females considered not of childbearing potential include those who are surgically sterile (bilateral salpingectomy, bilateral oophorectomy, or hysterectomy).

PED-CITN-01 - 3CI Study: Childhood Cancer Combination Immunotherapy.


PED-CITN-01 - 3CI Study: Childhood Cancer Combination Immunotherapy.

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DiagnosisLymphoma, brain tumours except diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, solid tumoursStudy StatusCompleted
AgeChild, Adult - (1 to 25 Years) RandomisationNO
Line of treatmentDisease relapse or progression
Routes of Treatment Administrationintravenous
Last Posted Update2024-04-10 #NCT04500548
International Sponsor
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Principal Investigators for Canadian Sites
The Hospital for Sick Children – Dr. Daniel Morgenstern

Medical contact

Dr. Daniel Morgenstern

Social worker/patient navigator contact

Karen Fung

Clinical research contact

New Agent and Innovative Therapies (NAIT)




Study Description

Brief Summary:

This phase Ib trial investigates the side effects of the combination of nivolumab and ipilimumab, and to see how well they work in treating patients with cancers that have come back (relapsed) or does not respond to treatment (refractory) and have an increased number of genetic changes. Immunotherapy with monoclonal antibodies, such as nivolumab and ipilimumab, may help the body's immune system attack the cancer, and may interfere with the ability of tumor cells to grow and spread. Tumor mutational burden (TMB) is the total amount of genetic changes or "mutations" found in tumor cells. Some studies in adults with cancer have shown that patients with a higher TMB (an increased number of genetic changes) are more likely to respond to immunotherapy drugs. There is also evidence that nivolumab and ipilimumab can shrink or stabilize cancer in adult patients with cancer. This study is being done to help doctors learn if the combination of nivolumab and ipilimumab can help children, adolescents, and young adults patients live longer.

PART I: Patients undergo collection of tissue samples for TMB level. Patients with elevated TMB may be eligible for Part II.


Dose level -1 (nivolumab). Patients receive nivolumab IV over 30-90 minutes on days 1 and 15. Treatment repeats every 28 days for up to 26 cycles in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.

Dose level 1 (nivolumab, ipilimumab). Patients receive nivolumab IV over 30 minutes and ipilimumab IV over 30-90 minutes on day 1. Treatment repeats every 21 days for 4 cycles in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity. Patients then receive nivolumab IV over 30-90 minutes on days 1 and 15. Treatment repeats every 28 days for up to 23 cycles in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.

Inclusion Criteria
  • PART 1: Patients must have histologically or cytologically confirmed malignancy at the time of initial diagnosis, relapse, or recurrence. Patients must have recurrent or refractory cancer for which standard curative or palliative measures do not exist or are no longer effective

    • Patients with multiple concurrent and/or sequential neoplasms are eligible
    • Patients with central nervous system (CNS) tumors are eligible, except those with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma
    • Patients with lymphoma are eligible; patients with leukemia are excluded
    • Chemotherapy-naïve patients are eligible in cases where first-line therapy does not include chemotherapy (e.g., surgery only for ependymoma management)
  • PART 1: Patients must have evidence of one or more of the following criteria in current or previous tumor:

    • Microsatellite instability (MSI-H)
    • Mutation causing functional loss of mismatch repair gene expression (MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2, EPCAM, MSH3)
    • Hypermutation in any tumor (including primary malignancy for patients with relapse or previous cancer diagnoses)
    • Functional mutation of POLE or POLD1 genes
    • A syndrome linked to hypermutant cancer predisposition such as congenital mismatch repair deficiency (CMMRD), Lynch syndrome, or xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) is also permitted
    • Other factors or sequencing evidence not listed above but which may be predictive of hypermutant cancer may be permitted after discussion with the protocol principal investigator
  • PART 1: A tumor tissue specimen must be provided for molecular profiling, including TMB analysis. The specimen may be archival or prospective, from a medically necessary surgery, biopsy, or excision. Tissue will not be obtained solely for this trial. A specimen from the time of most recent relapse/progression is preferred, but not mandatory

    • Tissue is preferred. However, if necessary, previously extracted DNA may be used with the approval of the protocol principal investigator if extracted in a clinically certified laboratory and prepared in an Foundation Medicine Inc. (FMI), TMB assay-compatible manner
  • PART 1: All patients and/or their parents or legally authorized representatives must have the ability to understand and the willingness to sign a written informed consent. Assent, where appropriate, will be obtained according to local policy. Patients with impaired decision-making capacity will not be excluded
  • PART 2: Patients must have histologically or cytologically confirmed malignancy at the time of initial diagnosis, relapse, or recurrence. Patients must have recurrent or refractory cancer for which standard curative or palliative measures do not exist or are no longer effective

    • Patients with multiple concurrent and/or sequential neoplasms are eligible
    • Patients with CNS tumors are eligible, except those with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma or bulky tumors
    • Patients with lymphoma are eligible (provided other criteria, such as bone marrow function, are met); patients with leukemia are excluded
    • Chemotherapy-naive patients are eligible in cases where first-line therapy does not include chemotherapy (e.g., surgery only for ependymoma management)
  • PART 2: Patients must have measurable disease

    • Patients with neuroblastoma without measurable soft tissue but with iobenguane (MIBG) avid disease are eligible
    • Patients with bone marrow only disease are excluded
  • PART 2: Patients must have confirmation of cancer with a TMB of >= 10 mutations (mut)/megabase (Mb) as determined by an next generation sequencing (NGS) targeted cancer gene panel performed by Foundation Medicine Inc. (FMI). Proof of TMB eligibility can be from Part 1 participation or a previously acquired FMI report
  • PART 2: Patients must have recovered from the acute toxic effects of all prior anti-cancer therapies (with the exception of alopecia and lymphopenia)

    • Previous treatment with nivolumab and/or other anti-PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors is permitted
    • Previous treatment with ipilimumab and/or other anti-CTLA-4 inhibitors is permitted
    • Previous treatment with combined anti-PD-1/PD-L1 and anti-CTLA-4 inhibitors is not be permitted
  • PART 2: The following time periods apply for prior therapy. Patients must have:

    • Cytotoxic chemotherapy: At least 21 days prior to treatment initiation from the last dose of cytotoxic or myelosuppressive chemotherapy; at least 42 days if prior nitrosourea (such as lomustine, CCNU)
    • Hematopoietic growth factors: At least 7 days prior to treatment initiation from the last dose of short-acting growth factor; at least 14 days for long-acting
    • Anti-cancer agents not known to be myelosuppressive: At least 7 days prior to treatment initiation from the last dose
    • Interleukins, interferons, and cytokines (other than hematopoietic growth factors): At least 21 days prior to treatment initiation from the last dose
    • Antibodies: At least 21 days prior to treatment initiation from the last dose and toxicity related to prior antibody therapy must be recovered to grade =< 1
    • Radiotherapy: At least 14 days prior to treatment initiation from local radiotherapy; at least 150 days from total body irradiation (TBI), craniospinal radiotherapy, or radiation to >= 50% of the pelvis; at least 42 days from other substantial bone marrow radiation
    • Radiopharmaceutical therapy (e.g., 131I-MIBG): At least 42 days prior to treatment initiation from systemically administered radiopharmaceutical therapy
    • Autologous stem cell infusion including boost infusion: At least 42 days prior treatment initiation
    • Cellular therapy: At least 42 days prior to treatment initiation from any type of cellular therapy
  • PART 2: Lansky play score >= 50 if =<16 years of age; Karnofsky performance scale >= 50 if =< 16 years of age. Patients unable to walk due to paralysis but who are using a wheelchair will be considered ambulatory for the purpose of assessing performance status
  • PART 2: Peripheral absolute neutrophil count (ANC) >= 750/mm^3 (0.75 x 10^9/L)
  • PART 2: Platelet count >= 75,000/mm^3 (75 x 10^9/L), transfusion independent, defined as not receiving platelet transfusions at least 7 days prior to treatment initiation
  • PART 2: Creatinine clearance or radioisotope glomerular filtration rate (GFR) >= 60 mL/min/1.73 m^2; OR serum creatinine based on age/gender as follows:

    • Age: 1 to < 2 years; Maximum serum creatinine: 0.6 mg/dL; 53 umol/L (male); 0.6 mg/dL; 53 umol/L (female)
    • Age: 2 to < 6 years; Maximum serum creatinine: 0.8 mg/dL; 71 umol/L (male); 0.8 mg/dL; 71 umol/L (female)
    • Age: 6 to < 10 years; Maximum serum creatinine: 1 mg/dL; 88 umol/L (male); 1 mg/dL; 88 umol/L (female)
    • Age: 10 to < 13 years; Maximum serum creatinine: 1.2 mg/dL; 106 umol/L (male); 1.2 mg/dL; 106 umol/L (female)
    • Age: 13 to < 16 years; Maximum serum creatinine: 1.5 mg/dL; 133 umol/L (male); 1.4 mg/dL; 124 umol/L (female)
    • Age: >= 16 years; Maximum serum creatinine: 1.7 mg/dL; 150 umol/L (male); 1.4 mg/dL; 124 umol/L (female)
  • PART 2: Bilirubin (sum of conjugated and unconjugated) =< 1.5 x upper limit of normal (ULN) for age
  • PART 2: Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase [SGPT]) =< 135 U/L (i.e., 3 x ULN). For the purposes of this study, the ULN for ALT (SGPT) is 45 U/L
  • PART 2: No evidence of dyspnea at rest, no exercise intolerance due to pulmonary insufficiency, and pulse oximetry >= 92% while breathing room air
  • PART 2: No signs or symptoms of heart failure in a patient who has no history of congestive heart failure, no prior exposure to cardiotoxic drugs, and no radiotherapy to the heart; OR shortening fraction of >= 27% or ejection fraction of >= 50% by echocardiogram
  • PART 2: Serum lipase =< ULN at screening
  • PART 2: Patients with treated CNS metastasis are eligible if there is no evidence of progression for at least 4 weeks after CNS-directed treatment as ascertained by clinical examination and brain imaging (magnetic resonance imaging [MRI] or computed tomography [CT] scan) during screening

    • Patients with new or progressive CNS metastasis (active metastasis) or leptomeningeal disease are eligible if the treating physician determines that immediate CNS-directed treatment is not required and is unlikely to be required for at least 6 weeks after treatment initiation, and a risk-benefit analysis (discussion) by the patient and investigator favors participation in the trial
  • PART 2: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV): Infected patients on effective anti-retroviral therapy with undetectable viral load within 6 months prior to treatment initiation are eligible

    • Note: Routine screening for HIV status prior to enrollment is not required
  • PART 2: Hepatitis B virus (HBV): Patients with evidence of chronic infection with undetectable viral load are eligible. Suppressive therapy, if indicated, is allowed

    • Note: Routine screening for HBV status prior to enrollment is not required
  • PART 2: Hepatitis C virus (HCV): Infected patients currently on treatment with undetectable viral load are eligible. Patients with history of infection must have been treated and cured

    • Note: Routine screening for HCV status prior to enrollment is not required
  • PART 2: Patients must provide a pre-treatment tumor tissue specimen (baseline sample) for correlative exploratory biology studies. The specimen may be archival or prospective, from a medically necessary surgery, biopsy, or excision. Tissue will not be obtained solely for this trial. A specimen from the time of most recent relapse/progression is preferred, but not mandatory. Submission of a representative sample from all available lesions (archival and prospective) is strongly encouraged. If available, residual tissue from Part 1 may be used to fulfill the baseline tissue sample requirement; however additional tissue may be required if residual tissue is insufficient
  • PART 2: All patients and/or their parents or legally authorized representatives must have the ability to understand and the willingness to sign a written informed consent. Assent, where appropriate, will be obtained according to local policy. Patients with impaired decision-making capacity will not be excluded
  • PART 2: Patients with previous grade 4 life-threatening reaction or other adverse reaction that in the opinion of the investigator would preclude administrating therapy
Exclusion Criteria
  • PART 1: Patients with history of autoimmune disease
  • PART 1: Patients with history of interstitial lung disease or pneumonitis are not eligible
  • PART 1: Patients who have received solid organ transplant or allogenic stem cell transplant are not eligible
  • PART 1: Patients who have been previously treated with a combination of anti-PD-1/PD-L1 and anti-CTLA-4 inhibitors are not eligible
  • PART 2: Patients requiring systemic corticosteroids or other forms of immunosuppressive therapy within 7 days prior to treatment initiation are not eligible

    • Following treatment initiation, systemic corticosteroids or other forms of immunosuppressive therapy are permitted if administered for the treatment of toxicity, tumor flare, or pseudo-progression and can be tapered. In most cases study treatment must be held until the dose is tapered to 10 mg/day prednisone or equivalent. The protocol principal investigator must be consulted prior to resuming treatment
    • Physiologic corticosteroids up to 5 mg/day prednisone or equivalent are permitted
    • Topical, ocular, intra-articular, intra-nasal, inhaled corticosteroids are permitted
    • Patients with CNS tumors receiving steroids for intracranial mass effect must be able to discontinue these at least 7 days prior to treatment initiation
  • PART 2: Patients who are receiving other anticancer agent(s) are not eligible
  • PART 2: Patients who are receiving or have received any other investigational agent(s) within 14 days prior to treatment initiation are not eligible
  • PART 2: Patients with CNS tumors with any of the following characteristics on imaging are not eligible:

    • Tumor with any evidence of uncal herniation or mass effect leading to severe midline shift
    • Tumor > 6 cm in single maximal dimension
    • Tumor that in the opinion of the investigator shows significant mass effect
  • PART 2: Patients with uncontrolled intercurrent illness/condition that would limit compliance with the study requirements are not eligible. This includes, but is not limited to, ongoing active infection, symptomatic congestive heart failure (New York Heart Association class III or IV), unstable angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmia, psychiatric illness/social situations
  • PART 2: The study agents have the potential for teratogenic or abortifacient effects. Females of reproductive potential must have a negative serum pregnancy test within 72 hours prior to treatment initiation. Additional pregnancy tests (serum or urine) should be obtained during study participation in accordance with local standards and guidelines

    • Males or females of reproductive potential may not participate unless they have agreed to use an effective method of contraception (hormonal or barrier method of birth control; abstinence) prior to study entry, for the duration of treatment, and as follows:

      • Females receiving nivolumab must continue an effective method of contraception for a period of 5 months after the last dose of nivolumab
      • Males receiving nivolumab must continue an effective method of contraception for a period of 7 months after the last dose of nivolumab
    • Should a female patient become pregnant or suspect she is pregnant while she or her partner is participating in this study, she should inform the investigator immediately
    • Due to the unknown but potential risk for adverse events (AEs) in nursing infants secondary to treatment of the mother with the study agents, breastfeeding must be discontinued if the mother is treated on study
    • Note: Females of reproductive potential are defined as those who are past the onset of menarche and are not surgically sterile (i.e., bilateral salpingectomy, bilateral oophorectomy, complete hysterectomy)
  • PART 2: Patients with history of autoimmune disease (such as autoimmune thyroid disease or inflammatory bowel disease) that has required systemic treatment within 2 years prior to treatment initiation are not eligible

    • Asymptomatic laboratory abnormalities (e.g., antinuclear antibody [ANA], rheumatoid factor, altered thyroid studies) are permitted in the absence of an autoimmune disorder diagnosis
    • Atopy-related conditions (e.g., asthma, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis) are permitted
    • Replacement therapy (e.g., thyroxine, insulin, physiological corticosteroid replacement therapy) is not considered a form of systemic treatment
  • PART 2: Patients with history of interstitial lung disease or pneumonitis are not eligible
  • PART 2: Patients who have received solid organ transplant or allogenic stem cell transplant are not eligible

ADP 0044-002 - A Phase 2 Single Arm Open-Label Clinical Trial of ADP-A2M4 SPEAR™ T Cells in Subjects With Advanced Synovial Sarcoma or Myxoid/Round Cell Liposarcoma


ADP 0044-002 - A Phase 2 Single Arm Open-Label Clinical Trial of ADP-A2M4 SPEAR™ T Cells in Subjects With Advanced Synovial Sarcoma or Myxoid/Round Cell Liposarcoma

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DiagnosisSynovial Sarcoma, Myxoid Liposarcoma, Round Cell LiposarcomaStudy StatusOpen
Age10 Years to 75 Years RandomisationYES
Line of treatmentFirst line treatment, Disease relapse or progression
Routes of Treatment AdministrationGenetic: afamitresgene autoleucel (previously ADP-A2M4) Single infusion of autologous genetically modified afamitresgene autoleucel (previously ADP-A2M4) Dose: 1.0 x109 to 10x109 transduced by a single intravenous infusion
Last Posted Update2024-04-09 #NCT04044768
International Sponsor
Principal Investigators for Canadian Sites
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre - Dr. A. Razak
Medical contact

    CNS - Dr. Julie Bennett

     Sarcoma - Dr. Abha Gupta

     Leukemia & Lymphoma - Dr. Dawn Maze

Social worker/patient navigator contact

Please contact medical team for further information.

Clinical research contact

     CNS Trials - On Yee Jones

     Sarcoma Trials - Hagit Peretz Soroka

     Leukemia & Lymphoma Trials - Deborah Sanfelice



Study Description


This is a study to investigate the efficacy and safety of ADP-A2M4 in HLA-A*02 eligible and MAGE-A4 positive subjects with metastatic or inoperable (advanced) Synovial Sarcoma (Cohort 1, 2 and 3 ) or MRCLS (Cohort 1) .

Inclusion Criteria
  • Age ≥16 (10 years at selected sites) and <=75 years
  • Diagnosis of advanced synovial sarcoma (Cohort 1, Cohort 2 and Cohort 3) or myxoid liposarcoma / myxoid round cell liposarcoma (Cohort 1 only) confirmed by cytogenetics.
  • Previously received either an anthracycline or ifosfamide containing regimen.
  • Measurable disease according to RECIST v1.1 prior to lymphodepletion
  • HLA-A*02:01, HLA-A*02:02, HLA-A*02:03 or HLA-A*02:06 positive
  • Tumor shows MAGE-A4 expression confirmed by central laboratory. North America Only (United States and Canada): Tumor (either an archival specimen or a fresh biopsy) shows MAGE-A4 expression of ≥1+ staining in ≥10% of the cells by immunohistochemistry.
  • ECOG Performance Status of 0 or1. For subjects aged ≥10 to ≥16 years old: Lansky Score ≥60%.
  • Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) ≥50%.

Note: other protocol defined Inclusion criteria may apply

Exclusion Criteria
  • HLA-A*02:05 in either allele
  • Received or plans to receive the following therapy/treatment prior to leukapheresis or lymphodepleting chemotherapy: Cytotoxic chemotherapy, Tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) (e.g. pazopanib), Immune therapy (including monoclonal antibody therapy, checkpoint inhibitors,), Anti-cancer Vaccine, Gene therapy using an integrating vector (subjects who have received a gene therapy using a lentiviral vector may be eligible for the study), Corticosteroids or any other immunosuppressive therapy, Investigational treatment or interventional clinical trial, Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant, Radiotherapy to the target lesions, Major surgery
  • History of allergic reactions attributed to compounds of similar chemical or biologic composition to fludarabine, cyclophosphamide or other agents used in the study.
  • History of autoimmune or immune mediated disease
  • Symptomatic CNS metastases including leptomeningeal disease.
  • Other prior malignancy that is not considered by the Investigator to be in complete remission
  • Clinically significant cardiovascular disease
  • Uncontrolled intercurrent illness
  • Active infection with human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, or human T cell leukemia virus
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding

Note: other protocol defined Exclusion criteria may apply.


A kinase-cGAS cascade to synthesize a therapeutic STING activator - PubMed (